Food & Beverage

Admission Procedure

Admission Details

Admission is strictly based on the merit. The rank list for Hotel management Courses will be prepared by giving equal weight age to the marks obtained in the Entrance Examination and the Qualifying Examination.

A pass in the Higher Secondary Examination of the Department of Higher Secondary Education, Vocational Higher Secondary Examination of Department of Vocational Higher Secondary Education, Government of Kerala or examinations recognized equivalent thereto, with 45% marks are eligible for admission .

 How to Apply

  • The prospectus along with application form can be obtained from the Head  office- Rajadhani, RIHM and RIHMCT, Nedumparambu.P.O, Alamcode, Attingal and from RIHNCT Administrative Office, Rajadhani Buildings, East Fort, Trivandrum on payment of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only)in person.
  • Applications can be sent by post by sending Rs.550/- by M.O or DD. to the Principal, RIHMCT. Application forms can also be downloaded from the website riet.edu.in. Such applications have to be submitted along with a Demand Draft of Rs.500/- drawn in favor of the Principal, RIHMCT, Administrative office, Rajadhani Buildings from any Nationalized Bank payable at Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Applications submitted to the Principal, RIHMCT should be complete in all respects. The candidate shall fill in all items in the application form in his/her own handwriting.
  • Self attested copies of the following certificates/documents are to be submitted along with the application.
    • 10th /12th Pass Certificate or equivalent.
    • Mark list of qualifying examination (12 Std)
    • Mark list of Entrance Examination (For Management Quota)
    • Admit card of the entrance examination conducted by the Commissioner for Entrance Examination (For Management Quota)
    • Certificate of good conduct from the institution last attended issued within six months from the date of application.
    • A certificate issued by a Scheduled Bank stating that he/she is a non-resident Indian holding an NRI Account other than a Zero balance account (For NRI quota)
    • A Declaration from the NRI in the form attached.
    • Applications which are not accompanied by required documents in proof of claims made therein will not be considered. Documents/ Certificates furnished after submission of the application will not be entertained. No opportunity will be given to incorporate any details or documents after the submission of the application. Late and incomplete application will not be accepted. The candidates at their own interest are advised to send the application by Registered post. RIHMCT will not be responsible for non-receipt or late receipt of applications.

*The fees will be as per Government regulations for the year 2017-18 .

Course Duration

The degree programme shall be completed in 4 years consisting 8 semesters (including Industrial Exposure training ( Ist semester))